$$:0 $$:1 blue white red PADS SOFTWARE, INC. Welcomes you to the Evaluation Package for PADS-LOGIC Personal Automated Design System for Schematic Capture $$:111 blue white red This evaluation is in two parts: PART ONE: This part is an automatic, self-running demonstration. Simply relax and view the features of PADS-LOGIC. PART TWO: The second part is a shareware version of the actual software, with all of the features needed to capture the logic of your schematic. $$:112 blue white red If you wish to leave this automatic demonstration and use the shareware, select CTRL-X. (While holding down the Ctrl key, press X). $$:113 blue white red If you wish to pause during the demonstration, select the space bar. To resume, press the space bar again. If you wish to move on, press any key except the space bar. $$:2 PADS-LOGIC is a new generation of Schematic Capture software with many advanced, time saving features not available with other systems. PADS-LOGIC is equally suited to both analog and digital design work. Flexible output capabilities are provided so that it can be linked to any workstation or PC based CAD system as well as Logic Simulation or Circuit Analysis. $$:3 PADS-LOGIC IS AFFORDABLE! Ask your local reseller how competitively PADS-Logic is priced. Now every engineer and designer can have their own personal Schematic Capture system. $$:4 PADS-LOGIC's powerful and unique features include: A true Multi-Sheet Database. This means ALL the sheets of your design are available concurrently in memory--not merely a single sheet, as with most systems. With a Multi-Sheet Database, you can quickly switch between all sheets of your design. A Multi-Sheet Database allows on-line checking across the entire design -- not merely a single sheet. $$:5 Other features of PADS-LOGIC: - Reference designators, gates and pins are automatically assigned to your parts. You are then free to spend your time designing rather than on clerical tasks! - Search and Query functions across the entire design provide you instant access to any part, sheet tag, signal name or other item in the database. - Group Copy of circuit blocks between sheets of a design or to a different design is a great time saver. Naturally, all copied components are automatically renamed. $$:6 MORE FEATURES: - Large design capability: approximately 1000 14 pin equivalent IC's per design, on up to 256 sheets. - Powerful hierarchical capability with unlimited levels. - Sophisticated macro command language. $$:7 AND STILL MORE FEATURES: - A library of over 6,000 parts. - Interfaces to most CAD systems. - Interfaces to Logic Simulation and Circuit Analysis. - Full ASCII IN/OUT for third party interfaces. $$:711 blue white red PADS-Logic + PADS-PCB = A TOTALLY INTEGRATED SYSTEM PADS-PCB, our powerful low-cost Printed Circuit Board design tool, shares not only the same user interface with PADS-LOGIC, but also, a common library and library database manager. As a result, the PADS integrated design system supports AUTOMATED ECO processing! Full forward and backward ECO capability including gate and pin swapping, component rename from pcb to schematic, and, automatic add/delete connections, parts, and routes; plus, you can rename nets and parts from the schematic to the pcb! $$:8 MULTI-SHEET DATABASE Let's now look at the practical advantage of PADS-LOGIC's Multi-Sheet Database. The arrow above points to the Sheet Data, indicating we are currently on sheet 1 of a 2 page schematic. Watch how quickly we can access sheet 2......... $$:9 SEARCH and QUERY items across all sheets. Let's SEARCH for component U7. PADS-LOGIC automatically takes you to the appropriate sheet and highlights your requested item.... $$:10 QUERY Now, let's Query component U7. Watch how PADS-LOGIC automatically displays a list of each pin associated with the part along with its pin type and attached signal name..... $$:11 AUTOMATIC REFERENCE DESIGNATORS Let's watch the automatic reference designator module assign reference designators as three resistors are added to the sheet. $$:12 AUTOMATIC REFERENCE DESIGNATORS Now let's add 3 integrated circuits. $$:13 AUTOMATIC GATE AND PIN ASSIGNMENT PADS-LOGIC, in addition to automatically assigning reference designators, also assigns gates and pins. Let's watch! $$:14 TO SUMMARIZE: PADS-LOGIC's Multi-Sheet Database can instantly switch you between design sheets, and automatically keep track of your reference designators, gates and pins! Search functions instantly take you to your requested item and Query provides critical information associated with each part in your database. With PADS-LOGIC's Multi-Sheet Database, you the designer can concentrate on the design effort! $$:15 blue white red ALTERNATE DECALS PADS-LOGIC provides the capability of changing the current part symbol to an alternate representation while the part is being located or placed on the schematic. As an example, ALTERNATE DECAL can be used to instantly replace the original part symbol with the DeMorgan equivalent of the part. WATCH.......................... $$:16 PARTS LIBRARY The parts library provided with PADS-LOGIC is an integrated CAE/CAD library containing the electrical properties together with schematic symbols and physical component information. Over 6,000 versions of both digital and analog parts are provided. A Part Editor is provided so you can easily create or modify a part. This can be accessed on-line at any time. $$:17 ALSO..... PADS-LOGIC allows you to define multiple USER Libraries. You can have a dedicated library for each logic family, i.e., TTL, ASIC, PALS, Analog, etc. AND A Library Merge feature lets you easily exchange parts with other designers! $$:18 blue white red POP-UP WINDOWS Pop-up windows permit you to browse the files on your design and the library. $$:19 JOB FILES........... $$:20 LIBRARY BROWSING Watch how easy it is to scan a list of components and select the appropriate part for your application............. $$:21 CONNECTIONS Adding connections between the parts is especially easy with PADS-LOGIC. When parts are connected on the CRT, the connectivity of the circuit is established and a netlist is immediately available. Post processing to convert the 2-D lines into connections is not necessary, as is the case with many systems. $$:90 ON-LINE DESIGN RULES CHECKING (DRC) Moveover, PADS-LOGIC's intelligent database incorporates real time on-line DRC of connections. A self-checking database prevents wiring errors, eliminating the need for time-consuming, tedious error correction. $$:91 AUTOMATIC TIE DOTS PADS-LOGIC automatically places tie dots. Let's watch as the parts on a schematic sheet are connected...... $$:22 Power and Ground symbols automatically tie the part pins into the Power or Ground nets. $$:23 OFF-PAGE SYMBOLS Off-Page symbols automatically tie connections located on different sheets into a single net. $$:24 MODIFYING A CONNECTION What if you change your mind about something and need to modify the circuit? With PADS-LOGIC, modifying existing connections is easy. WATCH.......... $$:25 SWAP PINS PADS-LOGIC let's you Swap Pins with any component. Watch how Pin 1 (E) is swapped with Pin 2 (A0) on component U1A. $$:26 SWAP PINS Swapping pins is easy with PADS-LOGIC! $$:27 BUSES Buses and their connections are especially easy with PADS-LOGIC. The naming of individual data bit lines is done automatically. WATCH......... $$:28 THE GROUP FEATURE Group commands can be used to cluster together all or some of the items in the sheet of your schematic drawing. Once a group is defined, it can be moved, rotated, deleted, mirrored, copied, and "cut" to the hard disk and "pasted" for use in another design. Watch as a group is created and copied in a step and repeat fashion. The reference designators will be assigned automatically to the new group. $$:29 The group has been created. Now it will be copied below the original group. Notice the new reference designators. $$:30 The new reference designators are assigned automatically and can never conflict with existing ones. $$:31 MACRO COMMAND LANGUAGE Macros are a powerful time-saving tool. They are a collection of keyboard and mouse recordings created by the designer to automate repetitive tasks. You can save considerable time capturing the logic of your schematic by customizing macros with PADS-LOGIC's powerful macro command language! $$:32 REPORTS Designers need constant and accurate information on their design. PADS-LOGIC provides a complete repertoire of reports. Moreover, with a true multi-sheet database, these reports are instantly available on-line. There is no need for cumbersome post-processing and linking of multiple sheet files. Let's examine a few reports.................... $$:33 BILL OF MATERIALS The Bill of Materials can be completely customized to your requirements. WATCH.......... $$:34 RED WHITE RED Bill of Materials for DEMO6.SCH on Thu Feb 28 13:21:16 -----------------------------------------------------| Qty |Reference|Part Name |Manufacturer |Description | -----------------------------------------------------| 10 | U12-21 | 6167 |Texas |16K Ram | | | |Instruments | | 2 | U9 U11 | 7400 |Texas |Quad 2-input | | | |Instruments |pos-nan gate | 1 | U3 | 7402 |Texas |Quad 2-input | | | |Instruments |pos-nor gate | 2 | U2 U6 | 7404 |Texas |Hex inv | | | |Instruments | | 1 | U8 | 7420 |Texas |Dual 4-input | | | |Instruments |pos-nan gate | $$:35 blue white red NET ANALYSIS REPORT: Shows potential errors across all sheets of the design. $$:36 RED WHITE RED NET STATUS REPORT for DEMO6.SCH Wed Feb 28 15:32:22 $$128 SOURCES = 1 LOADS = 1 UNDEFINED = 0 U9B.6[S-2] U9A.2[L-2] $$132 SOURCES = 1 LOADS = 2 UNDEFINED = 0 U11C,8[S-2] U8A.5[L-2] U11D.12[L-2] DA01 SOURCES = 2 LOADS = 10 UNDEFINED = 0 U5A.3[S-1] U11D.11[S-2] U12.3[L-3] U13.3[L-3] U14.3[L-3] U15.3[L-3] U16.3[L-3] U17.3[L-3] U18.3[L-3] U19.3[L-3] U20.3[L-3] U21.3[L-3] ---Net has multiple sources -- Be sure they are or-tieable. $$144 SOURCES = 1 LOADS = 1 UNDEFINED = 0 P1.15[S-2] U1B.13[L-2] $$:37 blue white red NET LIST A range of netlists are available which will allow input to virtually all PCB CAD systems, Logic Simulation and Circuit Analysis. $$:38 REPORTS And, an UNUSED PARTS, GATES and PINS listing is available. $$:39 ENGINEERING CHANGE ORDERS: One of the most important features of any schematic capture system is the ease and absolute accuracy with which engineering changes are handled. FORWARD ANNOTATION: PADS-LOGIC permits you to make changes in the schematic and these changes automatically update the printed circuit board. $$:40 BACKWARD ANNOTATION: In some systems you cannot incorporate a change at the printed circuit board level! In PADS-LOGIC, changes like gate and pin swapping that are made to the board are used to automatically update the schematic. $$:41 ENGINEERING CHANGE ORDERS: Simply stated, changes made in PADS-LOGIC will automatically update the PCB layout database. Similarly, changes made in our PCB layout system can automatically be transferred to PADS-LOGIC. The results of the ECO process is a new database that GUARANTEES the schematic to be electrically identical to the board layout! $$:45 HIERARCHY Hierarchical design helps you organize your complex schematics into more manageable ones. PADS-LOGIC supports unlimited levels of hierarchy using either methodology of top-down or bottom-up circuit creation. $$:76 blue white red EVALUATION CONCLUSION: This concludes Part One of our Evaluation Package. We thank you for your interest in PADS-LOGIC and we trust that this evaluation, together with Part Two, contained herein, will serve the purpose of demonstrating the many and advanced features of PADS to you. $$:53 INTERACTIVE EVALUATION To begin your interactive evaluation follow the instructions in the evaluation manual. To replay this self-running demonstration, at the C:\PADSDEMO> prompt simply type: LOGDEMO. $$:77 blue white red PADS is available from your local Authorized PADS Dealer or from PADS Software, Littleton, Massachusetts. 1-508-486-9521 This Evaluation provided by: PADS Software, Inc. 119 Russell Street Littleton, Ma. 01460 1-800-255-7814 * * * * * THE END * * * *